Thursday, April 15, 2010


i'm sorry blog readers. i haven't had the time to write. and when i bring myself to start typing away i can't bring myself to express my emotions because its almost as if i'm emotionless. the emotions i do feel are mainly happiness and confusion. and its even got to the point of resentment and my pride being slightly altered. life is suppose to consist of easy living but through the easy living you continue to go through all these tough times but i guess its about keeping your head up while the times get hard and through the rain the sun always shines. thank you life for opening new doors of emotion and helping me get through these new emotions. because through these open doors is what makes us grow as people. new emotions. new feelings. and through the old doors we still walk, its a learning progress we go through continuously to figure out who we are, what we love, why we care, and the good people that we are.

dear austin, you will be gone for two years. and it's really weird.. at the end of everything.. this is it. nothing more and nothing less because its nothing all in all. you will be gone and i will not see you. and our lives will go on without eachother and this is where it finally ends. i wish the best for you. i truly do. through everything we've been through, i'll never regret anything as i've become much wiser and a better person for myself and those around me. take care of yourself in there. goodbye for real this time.

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