Sunday, July 12, 2009

wow... drinking fucking soju every night is starting to fuck us all up slowly. HAHAHAH last night was the ULTIMATE fucked up night for pretty much all of us. we all went to juderi to drink and this time the group for last night it was me kevin jonathan and emily and we go there to meet kathy vickie jenny nara chanel. then heesak daniel and linden ended up sitting with us too. then justin park came. and i truly dont even know how many shots i ended up taking. my plan was to only take 4 to feel a good buzz but i think it went a little beyond that. and using beer as a chaser since the coke and sprite were all gone. we all ended up going home around 4 in the morning. got a free slurpee and fucking vickie callls me at 10 in the morning saying WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT. HAHAHAHA she literally doesnt remember anything when i had FULL on conversations with the girl through out the entire night. hahahahahah last night was fucking epic. we all had another bonding night to set off the rest of the summer. i love all of them. and i love my life. i haven't had this much fucking fun in such a long god damn time. hhahaahhaa.

i hate how the past keeps trying to poke its head into my present. gtfo!

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