Monday, June 22, 2009

my world is in such an unstable state. i don't know what to do. i feel happy one minute and feel lonely the next. am i wrong to continue what i'm doing? i know its not wrong.. in the end there really is no right and wrong. and in the end you start to realize that the grass isn't much greener on the other side. you start to realize there is no such thing as "TRUE LOVE" the only true love is family. everybody disappoints you. and you begin to realize... guys are only good for a couple things really. and thats sex and good company. somebody you can share the same interests with. somebody you can connect with. guys don't know what to do about anything. and you know what else. there are honestly 3 types of guys. theres the guy who treats you like their everything. you are the princess. they do everything for you. give you the world. never argue with you. and just devote their lives all to you. and then there is the normal guy who you have to deal with all the bullshit. compromise with them. its a constant give and take relationship. you argue yell make up kiss and hug. and then there is the straight up boring guy. and a girl can pretty much be in a relationship with any 3 of these. and you know what the point of this is? that no matter who you get with. its never good enough in the end. thats why we always break up. thats why we hope that there is better but only come to reach disappointment once again. we are never happy. never satisfied. always wanting more. always ungrateful. but why? its because guys don't know any better. they don't know how our minds work. they don't know what makes us happy. they don't know how to shut their mouths. they don't know how to realize that it isn't us but its them. they make us the way we are. and people wonder why there is so much divorce. the reason is the fact that the two people just can't find a way to COMPROMISE. and they don't realize that there really isn't much better out there. i think the only way there is better is when you have a physical abusive relationship. anyways the point of this post is to say that NO MATTER WHAT. we will never be truly happy. we will have to compromise til the day we die if we don't want to have a break up or a divorce. there is no fairytale happiness til the end. two people will have to compromise, give and take, and gain respect for eachother to make anything last til the very end. if you don't have any 3 of those. then you better fucking find a way to get all 3.

there is no such thing as the ONE. there is only finding a person who you can meet in the middle with. be happy with. accept them for all their flaws. and love them like they are yours for the rest of your life. but do you realize it isn't about finding the ONE but whom ever can fit this specific criteria?


robinkim said...

Its ok nuna
You can go to Korea
and become a celebrity and surround yourself with #1 guys with six packs:)

I edited my post btw hahaha

robinkim said...

nuna you gotta make a new post :)
and i got tons of pics like those -____-